Scrub Caps

Scrub caps are a must have for health care professionals. Being in the headwear business, they are drawn to check out what we offer at shows and online. Check out what Rawls-Riley Creations provides for those seeking scrub caps in the way of skull caps, hair bag® do rags for long hair, and the do rags. 


Exclusive Online Only Scrub Caps

Really looking for a scrub cap? Happy to help. All do rags have the option to have the tail removed before it is shipped. Got long hair and need a long hair scrub cap? The hair bag is the same type of headgear with a pocket for the long hair. All hair bags have the option to have the tail removed before it ships, too. The available do rags and hair bags are conveniently listed below. Be sure to select the scrub cap option to get it made without a tail like you really want. This option is ONLY available for online purchases.

Press here for all the do rag details. Press here for all the hair bag details.

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Do Rags with Scrub Cap Option

Easy scrub cap option on do rags provides the popular do rag without a tail. The do rags come with terry enclosed sweatbands to absorb those sweaty drips. The ties provide a flexible fit while the sweatband’s back elastic back provides a good hat-like fit. Press here for more do rag details.

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Hair Bags with Scrub Cap Option

Easy scrub cap option on hair rags provides the popular hair bag do rag without a tail. The hair bags come with the do rag features plus a pocket for long hair. As a scrub cap for long hair it keeps your hair clean, contained, and out of the way. Press here for more hair bag details.

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Available Do Rags and Hair Bags with Scrub Cap Option

Check out the available do rags and hair bags below. Be sure to select the scrub cap style option to have the tail removed prior to shipping if you prefer to have that scrub cap style. If you don’t see what you are looking for, please press here to contact Rawls-Riley Creations for assistance.

Do Rag Without Tail Makes Good Scrub Cap

The first, custom, tailless do rag request came from Dr. Wright. He had several of our do rags and wanted to have a replacement to his service skull cap.

He served three tours of duty in Afghanistan and his surgery cap had seen better days and was really worn out. He asked to get a do rag in a desert camouflage as a replacement and wanted it to have similar lettering on both sides. As it was to replace the scrub cap; he really preferred to have no tail. After selecting the unique, ripstop material in a Desert Storm camouflage print; the project was underway. It turned out well.

Dr. Wright

Cleveland MS

Bennie W. Scrub Caps
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Like the Scrub Caps

More scrub caps followed.

Skull on 3 20

Skull Caps

Skull caps work for those who prefer just a cap. It has a wicking sweatband with enclosed terry to pull away and absorb moisture plus elastic for a stays put feel. they are available in cottons and performance fabrics as well as sizes. Press here for the skull caps.